Underfloor Heating as part of your tiling project
If you watch any home improvement TV shows you will often see that as part of a new build or renovation project that people choose underfloor heating.
Why get underfloor heating?
For starters it is more comfortable, conventional heating with wall mounted radiators create draughts – that is how they are designed to work by circulating cold air in at the floor level, heating it and the heated air naturally rising to the ceiling. Eventually the entire room warms up, but until that happens the room can feel draughty as the air moves around in a big circle.With underfloor heating, the entire floor operates like a lower temperature radiator element.
Underfloor heating also saves space, no wall mounted radiators means more flexibility with room layout, where you position furniture etc.
Finally, underfloor heating is safer, unlike radiators that run hot, underfloor heating is warm, so no risk of scolding for the elderly or young children.
Which system – a quick summary
There are 2 main types of system. ‘Wet’, which comprises pipes running under the flooring surface, with warm water being pumped through them, or ‘dry’ , which consists of electrical wires being run under the flooring surface.
There is no such thing as ‘best’, as best will depend on what is most important for you and your installation. If you haven’t gone time to read all the details and just want a simple summary, then for bathroom renovation projects dry (electrical) underfloor heating usually has the most advantages, whereas for large, new build projects then wet systems make the most sense.